FAQ - Vendor

  • Your booth includes pipe and blue and white drape for inside booths, electricity (upon request), and WiFi. You will also receive 2 exhibitor badges and 2 parking passes per 10x10 booth. Additional badges are $5 and passes are $8. Passes and badges are non-transferrable.

  • Yes, however, it may not be so heavy that it takes down the pipes.

  • Pop up frames are allowed inside but not the cover due to fire restrictions. Product may be hung as a “wall” as long as it does not block another neighboring vendor.

  • Yes. Tables are $20 and chairs are $10 for the weekend and must be ordered 30 days prior to the event. Rentals onsite are not guaranteed.

  • Yes, must reserve 30 days in advance in writing. Email the office at info@homescapeevents.com

  • Yes. Upon check-in you will be given the password.

    • Set up is Friday 8am-8pm and Saturday 8am-9:30am.

    • You must let us know via email 1 week prior to set up if you are going to set up on Saturday.

    • Breakdown is Sunday 4pm-8pm and Monday 9am-12pm at your risk. (No overnight security on Sunday night.) 

  • Yes, 9am-12pm at your own risk. There is no overnight security on Sunday night and no parking in the Administration Lot.

  • Yes, the roll up doors will be open on Friday ONLY to drive in. Roll up doors will be open again on Sunday at 4pm after the last guest leaves.

  • Yes, we will have 24 hour security Friday at 8pm until Sunday at 4pm. We will also have staff onsite during show hours.

  • Yes, there will be 3-5 food trucks.

  • Yes. Confirmation of entertainment will be announced as soon as they are confirmed.

  • Redwood Lot through Gate #4 on Brookwood Ave. Gate code will be given upon check in.

  • Check-in is in the Hall of Flowers East entrance adjacent to Redwood Lot. You will receive your badges and passes and the WiFi password.

  •  VIP Parking in the Pavilion Lot. General Admission parking is in the Brookwood Lot. ADA Parking and ADA entrance only is on Brookwood Ave. Tickets are purchased online and they include parking. If you have friends and family coming, they have free entrance. Just leave their names at check in. They will be responsible for parking.

  • Restrooms are located outside the courtyard between the Garden Building and Hall of Flowers. There is another set of restrooms inside Hall of Flowers on the East side of the building (facing Brookwood Ave) and Grace Pavilion at the main entrance and on the east side of the building.

  • Yes, but they will need to pay for parking. Just leave their name on the Will Call List upon check in.